Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts from the Brazilian grape sourdough
Sourdough is a mixture of flour and water fermented by lactic acid bacteria and yeast, with a large use in bakery products. This study was developed with Brazilian grape (Niagara rosada) sourdough obtained from spontaneous fermentation. The aim of this work was to characterize genotypic and phenotypically lactic acid bacteria and yeasts isolated from sourdough. The phenotypic identification for bacteria and yeasts was performed by using the kit API50CHL and 20CAUX and the genotypic characterization was performed by sequencing method. A total of four isolated strains were analyzed in this study. Two of these strains were phenotypically and genotypic identified as Lactobacillus paracasei and one as Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Another sample phenotypically identified as Candida pelliculosa did not show the same identity by sequencing. It shows the need to use phenotypic and genotypic characterization associated for the correct microorganism identification.Downloads
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How to Cite
Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts from the Brazilian grape sourdough . (2014). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50(2), 321-327.