Analysis of the focalization in Angola Janga through a narratological perspective


  • Ícaro Silva Gonçalves Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Narratology, Graphic Novels, Decolonial Narratives


Narratology seeks to analyze the narrative structures. Considering comics, these elements are constructed differently, in light of this type of narrative involving both images and words. The graphic novel Angola Janga: uma história de palmares, created by Marcelo D’Salete (2017), tells the history of Palmares, one of the most important quilombos during Brazilian colonization, focusing specially in the conflicts that led to the death of one of the most important leader, Zumbi. This work aims to study the construction of the focalization in the narrative, emphasizing the importance as a decolonial historical perspective, building Black Brazilian history, often erased of official records. Thus, the theories proposed by Mieke Bal (2021), Cirne (1972), Groensteen (2015), the study made by Salom (2019), besides other works on the topics approached here will be considered in the analysis.


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Author Biography

  • Ícaro Silva Gonçalves, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

    Mestrando na Universidade Estadual de Santa Maria (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, Ícaro S. . (2023). Analysis of the focalization in Angola Janga through a narratological perspective. Revista Criação & Crítica, 36, 99-115.