Countless rhythms: encounters between Henri Meschonnic and Samuel Beckett


  • André Goldfeder Sem Registro de Afiliação



Henri Meschonnic, Samuel Beckett, Rhythm


The article discusses affinities and oblique relationships between Henri Meschonnic and Samuel Beckett, based on an analytical journey through texts from the collection Têtes-mortes (1972), representative of late Beckettian fiction. To do so, it mobilizes Meschonnic's discussions around the issues of rhythm, significance, the subject and the “modernity of modernity” and points out dialogues and contrasts between readings of Beckett's works by Meschonnic, Wolfgang Iser and Theodor Adorno.


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Author Biography

  • André Goldfeder, Sem Registro de Afiliação

    Doutor em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada pela USP, realizou pós-doutorado em Teoria Literária junto ao IEL/UNICAMP.


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How to Cite

Goldfeder, A. (2023). Countless rhythms: encounters between Henri Meschonnic and Samuel Beckett. Revista Criação & Crítica, 37, 68-94.