The notion of prose in the poem, by Meschonnic


  • Fernando Paixão Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros



prose poem, Henri Meschonnic, poetic prose


As a hybrid genre, the prose poem is often a subject of controversy among critics; while some assume it as a specific model, historically consolidated throughout the 20th century, others refute this identity. This article aims to contribute to the debate by raising Henri Meschonnic's ideas on the subject, related to his understanding of the notion of rhythm. The French author suggests in his writings that the new genre implies “another liturgy”, in comparison with poetry and prose. And it points out some ways to understand this heterogeneous expression.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Paixão, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros

    Escritor e professor de literatura do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, da Universidade de São Paulo.


AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Ideia da prosa. Lisboa: Cotovia, 1989.

BANDEIRA, Manuel. Libertinagem/Estrela da Manhã, Edição Crítica de Giulia Lanciani. (Coord.) Coleção Archivos 33, São Paulo, 1998.

MESCHONNIC, Henri. Critique du rythme: anthropologie historique du langage. Lagrasse: Verdier, 1982.

VALÉRY, Paul. “Palabras sobre la poesia”. In: Teoría poética y estética. Madrid: Visor, 1998.



How to Cite

Paixão, F. (2023). The notion of prose in the poem, by Meschonnic. Revista Criação & Crítica, 37, 111-117.