Chestnut farming and quilombos in Alto Trombetas (state of Pará): A proposal for socio-environmental justice




Green grab, Amazon, Fairtrade, Sociobiodiversity, Environmental justice


This article analyzes the bioeconomy of Brazil’s nut production chain according to socio-economic parameters of socio-environmental justice. The methods used were: (1) review of the literature, (2) participant observation in loco, (3) description of the chain through value links, (4) analysis of the sayings of the main actors, (5) comparison of the values of buying and selling between the actors, and (6) a feasibility study according to the concept of fair trade. Seeing conceptual appropriation as a strategy, we find new versions of age-old injustices in the production chain of nuts from the chestnut groves of Alto Trombetas. the article concludes that there is a mutual relationship between the traditional quilombola way of life and the chestnut groves that is fundamental for the existence of the production chain. Thus, there is need for greater participation of extractivist stakeholders in the governance of the chain to balance the distribution of profitability, and adapt it to the real concept of fair trade.


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How to Cite

Alves, F. S. ., & Oliveira, P. C. de . (2023). Chestnut farming and quilombos in Alto Trombetas (state of Pará): A proposal for socio-environmental justice. Estudos Avançados, 37(108), 51-72.