The Tietê/Jacaré watershed: a case study in research and management


  • José Galizia Tundisi Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
  • Takako Matsumura-Tundisi Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
  • Daniela Cambeses Pareschi Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
  • Anna Paula Luzia Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
  • Paulo H. Von Haeling Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
  • Eduardo H. Frollini Instituto Internacional de Ecologia


Watershed, Planning, Management, Data bank, Water resources


The Tietê/Jacaré watershed is one of the units of management of water resources of São Paulo State. São Paulo State has 22 units of management of water resources. A study on the characteristics of the watershed and an evaluation of its environmental situation was carried out from 2005 to 2008. With a population of 1.200.000 inhabitants distributed in 34 towns and an economic activity predominantly agribusiness and industrial activities, this watershed has an extensive hydrographic network, sufficient water resources and intense economic activity. The study considered soil uses; vegetation cover; water quality of rivers, reservoirs, underground waters, erosion processes, vulnerability of the aquatic biota to eutrophication and contamination. With the ecological, hydrological, ecological and economic data, a data bank was established and a management plan with scenarios, perspectives and integration of planning with future activities was developed. An index of watershed quality was developed as a basis for this planning and management activity.


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How to Cite

Tundisi, J. G., Matsumura-Tundisi, T., Pareschi, D. C., Luzia, A. P., Von Haeling, P. H., & Frollini, E. H. (2008). The Tietê/Jacaré watershed: a case study in research and management . Estudos Avançados, 22(63), 159-172.