The rules by Descartes: an interrupted epistemology


  • Alfredo Gatto Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milão, Itália



Descartes, Rules, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Eternal thruths


The article aims to investigate the reasons that led Descartes to not conclude the Rules for the Direction of the Mind, establishing a relation between the interruption of this work and the theory of 1630 about the created nature of eternal truths. With the doctrine of the free creation of truths, Descartes presents a metaphysical proposal that required a revisitation of the assumptions of his own epistemology. If in the Rules mathematics and geometry were considered to be free from all uncertainty, with the theory of 1630 these disciplines are submitted to the arbitrary causality of divine omnipotence. This metaphysical consideration requires further reflection in order to assess its consequences. The project of the Rules – interrupted, but not abandoned – will be then revised in the light of the metaphysical novelty of 1630. The Meditations will take on this task, by demonstrating how the created nature of truths does not imply to call into question human knowledge.


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How to Cite

Gatto, A. (2022). The rules by Descartes: an interrupted epistemology. Cadernos Espinosanos, 46, 15-29.