Demographic profile and quality of life of women with cardiovascular and respiratory Diseases: population-based study

estudio poblacional




Noncommunicable Diseases, Women, Respiratory Tract Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Quality of Life


This study aims to describe the profile of three groups of women; apparently healthy (non-sick – NS); with cardiovascular diseases (CD); and with chronic respiratory diseases (RD).  These groups were compared  according to sociodemographic variables (age group, education, ethnicity, and family income) and quality of life (QoL) data, composing
the domains: physical, psychological, social relations, and environment. This study is characterized as quantitative,
analytical, observational, and cross-sectional populationbased, with information extracted from the Women’s Health Survey, conducted in the city of Uberaba-MG. A total of 1,387
women were interviewed, and  information on CD, RD, age, education, ethnicity and family income were collected. The older and low education level, in contrast to the women of the RD group , who are younger and have higher education level. As for QoL, women with CD (31.65%) had lower levels than women with RD (19.10%), in the domains: physical (50.6;54.0;<0.0001), psychological (55.1;58.7;<0.0001), social relations  (75.8;77.2;0.0055), and environment
(41.7;43.0;0.0173), values on average and p, respectively. Therefore, the QoL domain that obtained the lowest score for all groups was the environment and women with CD presented lower values for all categories, which were statistically significant QoL was studied using WHOQOL – BREF, according to its four domains. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed.
The CD group is composed of women aged 50 years and older and low education level, in contrast to the women of the RD group , who are younger and have higher education level. As for QoL, women with CD (31.65%) had lower levels than women with RD (19.10%), in the domains: physical (50.6;54.0;<0.0001), psychological (55.1;58.7;<0.0001), social relations (75.8;77.2;0.0055), and environment (41.7;43.0;0.0173), values on average and p, respectively. Therefore, the QoL domain that obtained the lowest score for all groups was the environment and women with CD presented lower values for all categories, which were statistically significant.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Demographic profile and quality of life of women with cardiovascular and respiratory Diseases: population-based study: estudio poblacional. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(2), 208-213.