Construction and validation of an educational booklet on fundamental pelvic exercises for women with urinary incontinence




Urinary Incontinence, Validation Studies, Health Education, Teaching Material


Female urinary incontinence is a multifactorial condition characterized by involuntary urinary loss. For its control, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is necessary. Thus, the guidance provided through available educational material is an essential tool to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and acceptance by the population. The study aims to create and to validate an educational booklet on fundamental pelvic exercises for women with urinary incontinence. This is a methodological study that was submitted to six expert evaluators in the area, for the content validity of the material using the Content Validity Index (CVI). Afterward, for validation with the target population, the booklet was applied to 30-women users of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) and who underwent gynecological monitoring in health units. The CVI of the educational booklet ranged from 0.71 to 1.00. The evaluators made observations regarding the appearance
and content of the booklet, which were accepted for the final version. In the pretest, women understood the images
and the text, 83.3% of them judged the cover as attractive and all women  agreed that the sequence,  organizational  structure, and understanding of the sentences were adequate. The illustrations were easy to understand and 100% agreed that the necessary subjects were fully  addressed and the majority (96.6%)
were motivated to read. The elaborated instrument proved to be effective for its use, because it meets the reality and the health need.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Construction and validation of an educational booklet on fundamental pelvic exercises for women with urinary incontinence. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(2), 230-241.