Impact of the manual lymphatic drainage on symptoms related to lower-extremity edema in pregnant women



Physical Therapy Specialty, Massage, Pregnant Women, Women's Health


This article aims to analyze the effects of manual lymphatic drainage on symptoms related to gestational edema in the lower limbs, such a sensation of heaviness, pain, swelling, and tingling, as well as on perimetry. The sample consisted of 23 pregnant women with gestational age above 26 weeks, who were submitted to 35 sessions of drainage based on Leduc’s method upon the authorization of their physicians. Participants with blood pressure above 140/100 mmHg at the time of drainage and presenting with skin continuity wound, heart disease, dermatological disease, lymphatic disease, infections, and voluminous or symptomatic varicose veins were excluded from the study. Symptoms were evaluated immediately and two hours after drainage by means of questionnaires. Improvements in pain (p=0.001*), tingling (p=0.01*), sensation of heaviness (p=0.000*), and swelling (p=0.000*) showed statistically significant differences before, immediately after, and two hours after intervention. Most perimetry measurements also presented a decrease after treatment. The technique of manual lymphatic drainage is very important to provide well-being and a better quality of life in pregnant women. The benefits arising from such a method are essential to decrease anxiety, enduring up until childbirth.


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Original Research

How to Cite

Impact of the manual lymphatic drainage on symptoms related to lower-extremity edema in pregnant women. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 28(4), 376-383.