The images of dislocations in spaces and the spaces for dilocations in images


  • André Mendes HIMMA &– Estudos em psicologia Imaginal Clínica-oficina Kairós



Analytic psychology, Displacement, Space, Identity, Participant research


In the analytical psychology formulated by Jung, the relation between man, his time and society is evident, if not always recognized. Nonetheless, as far as human collectivities are concerned, this relation usually involves widesweeping elements. Eager to evaluate this relationship in a more restricted sphere related to Brazilian reality, we would like to present a research that set out to investigate the concrete, specific manifestation of the field through the participative observation of the Immigrants Pastoral of the Nossa Senhora das Graças community located on the outskirts of the city of São Paulo. Using field diaries as our principal source of data and relying on the framework of archetypal psychology, we reflect on the images of space and displacement. These experiences were conceived in a non-literal fashion and our analysis was based on the use of metaphorical language. We believe that the results obtained point to the close relationship between the field occurrences and the psychological dynamics, thus making the division between the outside and inside world a relative matter. Alternatively, the results propose that the psychic activity takes place in the concrete encounter between individuals and the space they occupy, as well as suggest that the research is based on the possibility of accepting and experimenting an identity submitted to recurrent processes of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction.


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