Effect of aquatine endodontic cleanser on smear layer removal in the root canals of ex vivo human teeth


  • Faustino Garcia Nova Southeastern University; College of Dental Medicine; Formerly of the Department of Endodontics; Private Practice
  • Peter E. Murray Nova Southeastern University; College of Dental Medicine; Department of Endodontics
  • Franklin Garcia-Godoy University of Tennessee; College of Dentistry; Associate Dean for Research
  • Kenneth N. Namerow Nova Southeastern University; College of Dental Medicine; Department of Endodontics; Postgraduate Endodontics, and Chair




Irrigation, Dental pulp, EDTA, Sodium hypochlorite, Hypochlorous acid


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the root canal cleanliness and smear layer removal effectiveness of Aquatine Endodontic Cleanser (Aquatine EC) when used as an endodontic irrigating solution in comparison with 6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-five human teeth were randomly allocated to five treatment groups; the pulp chamber was accessed, cleaned, and shaped by using ProTaper and ProFile rotary instrumentation to an ISO size #40. The teeth were then processed for scanning electron microscopy, and the root canal cleanliness and removal of smear layer were examined. RESULTS: The most effective removal of smear layer occurred with Aquatine EC and NaOCl, both with a rinse of EDTA. CONCLUSIONS: Aquatine EC appears to be the first hypochlorous acid approved by the FDA to be a possible alternative to the use of NaOCl as an intracanal irrigant. Further research is needed to identify safer and more effective alternatives to the use of NaOCl irrigation in endodontics.


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Effect of aquatine endodontic cleanser on smear layer removal in the root canals of ex vivo human teeth . (2010). Journal of Applied Oral Science, 18(4), 403-408. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-77572010000400014