
  • Eduardo Marcondes
  • Rubens Murilo Marques



growth, height, weight, anthropomelry/educational Icvel.


The authors studied the height.tnd weight of 18-year-old individuais qualified for military service between the years of 1979 and 1991. It was an intrastate analysis (with the exception of the states of Roraima, Rondonia and Tocantins), as well as an interstatc one.
All the individuals studied were from urban regions and were divided into four groups according to their cducational level: illiterate, grade school, high school and university. This data was analyzed with the use of “Statgraphics-Version 2.6”.
The lowest medium height was found in the state of Maranhão (164,34 cm) and the tallest was in the state of São Paulo (170,26 cm). Between 1978 X and 1991 the height of the individuals studied increased the exceptions were in thc states of Espírito Santo, Ceará, Amazonas and Acre. Educational
levels influenced the height of the individuals studied.
The lowest mediurn weight was found in the state of Piauí (56,52 kg) and the heaviest in title stat of São Paulo (62.92 kg). Betwecn 1978 and 1991 the weight of the individuals studicd increased the educational level influenced the weight of thc individuals studied.

Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Marcondes
    Professor Titular de Pediatria da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Rubens Murilo Marques
    Professor Titular de Estatística Matemática da Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Diretor-Presidente da Fundação Carlos Chagas


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