
  • Ruth B. Lass
  • Therezinha Moreira Leite



sleep pattern, child development psychosocial factors, child sleep.


This paper considers data obtained from an exploratory research with the objective of verifying sleep behaviour characteristics in children, from a psychological perspective. Two groups of 15 middle class children each were formed: one with 8 male and 7 female children between the ages of 2y. 6m. and 3y. 8m., and the other with 7 male and 8 female between the ages of 4y. 6m. and Sy. 6m.. Both groups attended nursery
school. Children’s mothers reported data through  questionnaires and interviews about children’s sleep behaviour.
The relevant data referred to: abandoning the “sesta” (afterlunch nap); demanding adult presence to fall asleep;
reporting the occurrence of dreams; differentiating and day dreaming from night dreams. Some habits as sleeping time, systematic utilization of a transitional object, fear of darkness and demanding lights on are related to psychic and social factors. Research projects about sleep pattern development seem relevant to evaluate sleeping behaviour. Emphasis is given more on psychological aspects than on descriptive ones. This paper reports a tentative research in order to obtain development sleep pattern indices in human beings having
as referent the clinical practice. More than pointing, explaining and studying sleep disturbances in a child’s early years, it aims at their genesis and their relation with insomnia, from a psychological perspective.

Author Biographies

  • Ruth B. Lass
    Psicóloga Clínica.
  • Therezinha Moreira Leite
    Prof. Livre Docente do Departamento de Psicologia Clínica do lnstituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo.


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