
  • Clara J. Marques Andrade
  • Helena Paixão
  • Celina Modena
  • Antonio Maria Claret Torres



social representations, health-sickness process, health-sickness conception.


This paper is a result of a field research based on qualitative data, carried out with a group of women living at Solimões and Conjunto Jardim Felicidade neighborhoods, in the
metropolitan arca of Belo Horizonte - MG, with the goal of identifying their representations ofthe health-sickness process. The data were collected througlh participative observation, semi-structured interviews and analyses of the interviews, according to the methodology proposed by BARDIN (1977), TRIVINOS (1987) and MINAYO (1993). The interviews, that lastedapproximately 60 minutes, were conducted from November, 1994 to July, 1995 with thirty women varying from 18
to 40 years of age, all of them with children between 0 and 5 years old. The analyses of the content of the interviews provided the categories of representation of the healtl^l-sickness process. Sickness is represented as funcional and utilitarian incapacity of the body. Health, besides beh^lg
represented as the contrary of sickness, in other words, a functional and utilitarian body, has yet many other representations, such as: a healthy lifestyle, qualified medical assistance, and also balanced and harmonious relations with nature and God. This study shows that these representations
are stricky related to the therapeutic alternatives adopted in the neighborhoods. Such alternatives, represented by scientific medicine, home medich^le, selfmedication, “blessings”, “witch doctors”, and miraculous cures are sought according to the conceptions of the health-sickness process.

Author Biographies

  • Clara J. Marques Andrade
    Mestre em Epidemiologia pela Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Minas Gernis. Profa. Assistente do Depto. de enfermagem Materno-lnlantil e Saúde Pública da Escola de enfermagem da UFMG.
  • Helena Paixão
    Dra. em Sociologia pela École des Haustes Etudes em Sciences Sociales - Paris - França, Profa. Adjunta do Depto. de Odontologia Social c Preventiva da Escola de Odontologia da UFMG.
  • Celina Modena
    Dra. em Epidemiologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e Profa. Adjunta do Depto. de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva da Escola de Veterinária da UFMG.
  • Antonio Maria Claret Torres
    Mestre em Epidemiologia pela Escoia de Veterinária da UFMG. Prof. Assistente do Depto. de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva da Escola Vceterinária da UFMG.


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