
  • Maria Aparecida M. Gaíva
  • Maria das Graças C. Ferriani



students, premature, children, family.


This is a qualitative study whose objective was to analyze the perception regarding the daily life of prematurely born children now of school age according to the opinion of the mothers/
relatives and the children themselves. Semistructured interviews, document analysis and asystematic observations were the procedures used. The analysis was based on the technique of thematic analysis and was carried out starting from the identification of three Thematic Nuclei: Health, Family and School. The results revealed that the mothers/relatives perceive the daily life of their children as follows: their children are healthy/normal, some ofthem do very well at school, whereas others have learning difficulties. The children perceive themselves as any other children, most of them have no health problems and their family life emerges as a fundamental
aspect. Leisure and religion are also part oftheir daily life. Studying is very important for them and most have no difficuties at school, but those who do experience difficulties consider this fact to be natural. Finally? with respect to the quality of life, it is possible to state that all children are well provided for in terms of their housing, education and leisure needs, but not all of them receive the health care they need; in addition, some children present functional limitations. Thus, not all the children studied live a life of quality.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Aparecida M. Gaíva
    Profa. da Faculdade de Enfennagem e Nutrição da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, doutoranda do Programa Enfennagem e Saúde Pública da Escola de Enfennagem de Ribeirão Preto - Universidadede São Paulo.
  • Maria das Graças C. Ferriani
    Profa. Titular da Escola de Enfenmagem de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo.


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