Moiré topography: an alternative to scoliosis evaluation in student’s health


  • Júlio Guilherme Silva Augusto Motta University Center; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Márcia Santos de Almeida Augusto Motta University Center
  • Carolina Gomes da Costa Augusto Motta University Center
  • Aline Fraga Rocha Augusto Motta University Center
  • Priscila Moreira da Silva Augusto Motta University Center
  • Rodrigo Teixeira Gomes da Silva Augusto Motta University Center
  • Miriam Raquel Meira Mainenti Augusto Motta University Center; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



scoliosis, moire topography, student, posture, postural evaluation


Moire’s Topography (MT) is a method that detects scoliosis through shadows assymetry arised in the back. Few studies have discussed time of application, interpretation and operating cost. The aim of this study was to analyze operating aspescts of MT in students and to verify postural alterations by MT in the same group. 58 boys were analyzed in this study and through MT, the presence of shadow (fringes) in the back were evaluated where each assymetry corresponds to about 10o in Cobb’s angle. MT marks were used to determine possible deviation. Data of interest received descriptive statistic analysis in variables such as total body mass, body mass index (BMI), weight, scoliosis, average time of analysis and diagnostic, and also the operation cost evaluation of equipment. Subjects (9,91 ± 0,79 years) showed total body mass of 37,83 ± 10,45kg, stature 1,42 ± 0,11m and BDI 18,53 ± 4,15 kg/m2. The average time of analysis was 3,25 ± 0,29min. Among subjects 75% had deviation of one fringe in toracolumbar region that shows a scoliosis less than 10º. MT represented a fast method and of low operation cost that could be an important instrument in the screening of scoliosis. We concluded that MS confirmed to be practical and of easy handling where 94,6% subjects showed scoliosis. Our data suggests that the MSP insertion in the students’ health care program of scoliosis identification is possible.

Author Biographies

  • Júlio Guilherme Silva, Augusto Motta University Center; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    Physiotherapist, Doctor in Mental Health/Motor learning - IPUB/UFRJ, Professor of Masters Program in Rehabilitation Sciences- Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ.
  • Márcia Santos de Almeida, Augusto Motta University Center
    Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) - Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ, Human Movement Analysis Lab (LAMH).
  • Carolina Gomes da Costa, Augusto Motta University Center
    Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) - Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ, Human Movement Analysis Lab (LAMH).
  • Aline Fraga Rocha, Augusto Motta University Center
    Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) - Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ, Human Movement Analysis Lab (LAMH).
  • Priscila Moreira da Silva, Augusto Motta University Center
    Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) - Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ, Human Movement Analysis Lab (LAMH).
  • Rodrigo Teixeira Gomes da Silva, Augusto Motta University Center
    Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC) - Augusto Motta University Center- UNISUAM-RJ, Human Movement Analysis Lab (LAMH).
  • Miriam Raquel Meira Mainenti, Augusto Motta University Center; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
    Physiotherapist, Doctor in Science - FM/UFRJ, Professor of Masters Program in Rehabilitation Sciences - UNISUAM-RJ.


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