History of Science in High School: ways for possible interdisciplinarity


  • Gisela Tolaine Massetto de Aquino USP




History of Science, High School, interdisciplinarity


Nowadays, Science is perceived by most of the students enrolled in the Brazilian high school system as a set of dogmas resulted from observation processes and disconnected from its social context. This article aims to discuss this issue and present proposals to modify this reality. The suggested pathway explores the content of the history of science, worked by teachers of human sciences, natural science and mathematics, simultaneously. History of science must be comprehended as being produced by human beings inserted in a historical context, and that can address diverse aspirations. It becomes essential for the formation of a critic who would know how to correctly evaluate the social implications of the use of science and technology.


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Author Biography

  • Gisela Tolaine Massetto de Aquino, USP
    Doutorado e Mestrado em História Social (FFLCH-USP), graduação em História e Pedagogia, especialização em Psicopedagogia. Trabalha como coordenadora de história do Fundamental II, no Colégio Visconde de Porto Seguro





Dossiê “História das doenças e artes de curar"

How to Cite

Aquino, G. T. M. de. (2017). History of Science in High School: ways for possible interdisciplinarity. Khronos, 4, 14-31. https://doi.org/10.11606/khronos.v0i4.133187