Baleias e imaginários: ruína, rasgo e reparação em três poemas brasileiros contemporâneos


  • Diana Junkes Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Imaginary, Poetry, Resistance, Utopia, Whale


This article analyzes, comparatively, the construction and elaboration of the same image, the whale, in three different poems. The first poem is “Totem”, by Ruy Proença, from the book Visão Térreo, from 2007. The second poem is by Prisca Agustoni and refers to the context of the pandemic. The third is by Alice Sant'Anna, “a huge whale's tail”, published in Rabo de Baleia, 2013. The proposal is to read the poems so that reflections can direct their magnifying glass to the verses and to what they bring us as form and content, aesthetic manifesto and manifestation, interiority and exteriority, reality and imagination. Reflections on each of the poems will be presented and, in the end, like an embroidery, erasure, tearing, and repair, perhaps they will say more about us and about the poetry that inhabits us, this immense whale, sometimes totem, sometimes asphyxiation, sometimes freedom.


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Author Biography

  • Diana Junkes, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

    É professora na Universidade Federal de São Carlos e bolsista de produtividade do CNPq. Publicou As razões da máquina antropofágica: poesia e sincronia em Haroldo de Campos (crítica literária, EdUnesp, 2013).


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Leitura contemporânea: visadas analíticas

How to Cite

Junkes, D. (2021). Baleias e imaginários: ruína, rasgo e reparação em três poemas brasileiros contemporâneos. Literatura E Sociedade, 26(34), 226-238.