Communication and City: between Media and Fears


  • Jesus Martín-Barbero



communication theory, cultural studies, reception studies


To understand urban processes as processes of communication, we need to think how the media has turned into a constitutive part of urban life and also think as fears have lately been incorporated in the new communication processes. Then arises the need to confront two equally serious prejudices: one that comes from communication scholars and other that comes from violence and fear experts.
This text, first published in Colombia, and later in other countries, was reproduced in the edition n. 1, 1998 of this journal, in Portuguese, with author's permission, obtained in September 1997. The translation was made in 1997 by Lucio Sergio Vilar de Oliveira and Manuel Gustavo Gianoli.


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Author Biography

  • Jesus Martín-Barbero
    Doutor Honoris Causa da Universidade de Lima, Peru, e reconhecido pesquisador na área de comunicação na America Latina. Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Louvain, Bélgica, e exprofessor e pesquisador junto a Universidade Central de Bogotá, Colômbia, exprofessor da Universidade del Valle, Colômbia, ex-diretor da ALAIC, foi também membro da Comissão de Políticas Culturais da CLACSO. Foi Professor-Visitante da Cátedra da UNESCO de Comunicação em Universidades da Espanha, Porto Rico, Brasil e México.






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