Os projetos de paisagismo e os espaços livres dos edifícios de apartamentos


  • Francine Gramacho Sakata




In 1972, legislation was passed regulatingthe use and settlement of São Paulo's tracts of land and thus apartment buildings are now the way we know them today: towers are set back from the limits of the lot and have ample free space surrounding them. This legislation stipulated that the building must be set to the back of the property and utilization rates, inversely must be proportional to occupation rates. This legislation, along with other factors, such as traffic and the shortage of leisure areas caused by the expansion of metropolitan areas, made the construction companies utilize the outdoor spaces as leisure areas with recreational facilities. Many landscape architects have worked with this kind of projects. This has helped us to create program policies for Brazilian landscape architecture and also the development of its patterns. It is possible to find gardens with contemporary, modern and eclectic project guidelines, each with its unique characteristics. Some of these projects are part of "The Outdoor Sites of Apartment Buildings in São Paulo", research developed with Fapesp support. This text is based on the results of this research


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Author Biography

  • Francine Gramacho Sakata
    Arquiteta e urbanista da FAUUSP, pesquisadora do Grupo de Disciplinas Paisagem e Ambiente - Projeto Quapá - Quadro do Paisagismo no Brasil/ Laboratório de Paisagem, Bolsista Fapesp - 1993-1995






How to Cite

Sakata, F. G. (1996). Os projetos de paisagismo e os espaços livres dos edifícios de apartamentos. Paisagem E Ambiente, 9, 07-46. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i9p07-46