Children attending at a psychological school-clinic: professionals' perceptions


  • Helena Bazanelli Prebianchi Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Vera Engler Cury Universidade Estadual de Campinas



psychological attention, school-clinic, child attending


The goal of the study was to understand the psychological attention effectuated to the children at the Psychological Clinic of PUC-Campinas. Two secretaries, one improving student, a psychologist and eight supervisors have been interviewed. The analisys of the depositions allowed the construction of specific individual synthesis and one general synthesis refering to the research focus. The outcomes appointed that: the child clinical psychological treatment has social importance as a way of capacitating families in raising their children; the origin of the families'difficulties lays in social environment; there is lack of technical availability and breaking up of the offered treatment; the demand comes from Schools and Health Centers; there are incipient outcomes for patients and positive outcomes for the students. Conclusions have pointed the need of: evaluation of the outcomes obtained by the patients, reviewing the types of the offered services, the intervention in the patients'sources of guidance and changes in the organization of the Clinic.


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Empirical Research

How to Cite

Prebianchi, H. B., & Cury, V. E. (2005). Children attending at a psychological school-clinic: professionals’ perceptions . Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 15(31), 249-258.