Development, schooling and Down syndrome: mother's expectations
Downs syndrome, human development, special educationAbstract
The present study aimed to investigate the mother's expectations in relation to the development and schooling of the child with Down's syndrome, based on a psychoanalytic approach. A qualitative study was carried through, by means of interviews, which have been recorded, transcribed and later analyzed, from qualitative content analysis. Twelve mothers of individuals with Down's syndrome, ages between two months and 23 years, have participated of the study. The results have disclosed that the diagnosis of syndrome of Down generates impact in the mothers. In this result, the mothers have presented difficulty to construct positive expectations in relation to the development and schooling of their children. The importance of a support and following closer of the mother is standing out, as for the exercise of the motherhood, as well as of teachers who will follow up the pupil with Down's syndrome in the school age.Downloads
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