Achievement Goals of Youngsters in Rio de Janeiro in Different Contexts
In this study, we compared the Future Goals of 160 youngsters (16-30 years-old; 71 female and 89 male). University students and slum-dwelling youth were compared. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, information about their families and two open questions: “What do you expect to do in your life that you consider very important?” and “Do you believe you’ll achieve that? Why?” Predicted differences in the participants’ answers between the two groups were observed. Favela youth showed higher levels of uncertainty while describing their goals and also presented lower scores of objectives. From an Evolutionary perspective of Psychology, through the Life Story Strategies Theory, we concluded that, for young people from different social contexts, the ways of planning the future tend to vary depending on the adaptability of achievement due to the present constraints in the youth’s realities.Downloads
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