Misconceptions in scientific publication: a few considerations


  • Maria do Carmo Guedes Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo; Programa de Psicologia Social




Publication in psychology, Scientific journal, Spreading of knowledge


Publishing as a way of showing a production, and not as a way to disseminate a knowledge, may lead scientific authors and editors to certain ambiguities. Based on the analysis of the publishing forms used nowadays, this article brings considerations about the extension of the margins between the different aims in the work of edition. In this article we will discuss the technical and scientific aspects of the work of the authors, as well as the editors, in the science field, that might disserve the spreading of knowledge. We also invite to a debate not about punctual cases, but about the problem of the pressure that University applies to its teachers to produce quantitatively.


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How to Cite

Misconceptions in scientific publication: a few considerations. (2011). Psicologia USP, 22(2), 387-398. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-65642011000200006