
  • Marina Nascimento Lemos Barboza Universidade da Amazônia
  • Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho Universidade da Amazônia


Key Words, Consumer Behavior, Technological Innovation, Green Ideology, Convergent Products.


The following article has, as the main objective, the analysis of consumer behavior in relation to the technological bundle products, with the insertion of green integrations, as example, smartphones with solar charger. Thus, a study was conducted, based on the literature of consumer’s behavior, green products, green ideology, technology convergence and the use preference for technological products. In order to develop the research, a netnographic analysis was proposed as a methodological option, which consists in the extraction of information from blogs/forums, doing the analysis of the content from the collected discussions, in order to codify and categorize the participating groups of this argument.  Once this categorization and the distinction of consumer segments for the technological object, with the insertion of green attributes, are developed, the results were presented through that designated the users groups. Given this research environment, the study observes and interprets the point of view of the technological consumer, evaluating if the diffusion of green products (sustainable consumption or with ecological values/attributes) was inserted in the context of the consumer society, and if the discussion in social networks presented the innovation of ecologic consciousness (Green), in addition to the perception of technological innovation with the insertion of green.


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Author Biographies

  • Marina Nascimento Lemos Barboza, Universidade da Amazônia
    Acadêmica do Curso de Administração na Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA, bolsista Programa de Iniciação Científica do CNPQ. Participante do grupo de Marketing Tecnológico que realiza pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas sobre comportamento do consumidor em relação aos produtos de alta tecnologia.
  • Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho, Universidade da Amazônia
    Pós-Doutorando na Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-EAESP) no departamento de mercadologia (MCD) (2012). Doutor em Marketing para Estratégia de Empresas pela Università Degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy), Março de 2009. Esteve como visitante na University of Rhode Island (USA) com o Grupo RITIM (Research Institute for Telecommunications and Information Marketing), no período de set/2007 à jun/2008. Graduado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal do Pará (1995) e mestre em Engenharia Elétrica pela mesma Universidade (1998). É professor da Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA), Editor da Revista Amazônia, Organizações e Sustentabilidade (AOS) do PPDA da UNAMA, professor da Faculdade de Belém (FABEL) e Editor Adjunto da Revista Ensinagem, ambas IESs em Belém do Pará. Revisor de diversas revistas científicas nacionais e internacionais como IJTMkt - International Journal of Technology Marketing, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), dentre outras além das conferências nas áreas de expertise.






How to Cite

TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE AND INTEGRATION OF GREEN ATTRIBUTES. (2014). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 11(3), 150-175.