Educoração: stories, experiences and learning of shares and affectivity at school


  • Janir Coutinho Batista Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Paulo Cezar Nunes Junior Universidade Federal de Itajubá
  • Elaine Prodócimo Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Affectivity, Education, Learning, Elementary school


The present study aims to analyze the proposed Educoração, a project created to act in the child’s emotional development that uses various tools (songs, rounds of conversation, cooperative games, yoga poses and storytelling) to be held in the scholar context. The implementation was done in a public school of Cerquilho city (SP) in 8 meetings of a duration of one hour and a half, once a week, with 23 children in the first year of elementary school. This is a participatory research and as a methodological process were used observations, reports, interviews semi-structured with the group’s teacher and principal and questionnaires. The data were discussed through three broad categories of analysis: empathy, self-esteem and learning. The results showed that, added to the teacher ́s participation in change process and daily work with their students, the techniques of Educoração have positively influenced the affection of children and promoted an improvement in the daily life of the classroom. The activities of Educoração contributed in a direct way for them to be addressed many aspects of affectivity and coexistence of children in school. Besides the change in relations between the children and the teacher, and the greatest attention to each other, the teacher reported that after interventions could carry out their work with greater commitment and interest of students, a fact that allowed the project to ramify other classes in the school.


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How to Cite

Batista, J. C., Nunes Junior, P. C., & Prodócimo, E. (2018). Educoração: stories, experiences and learning of shares and affectivity at school. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 32(2), 233-242.