Misogyny: the toxin that degrades the sporty environment


  • Michele Schultz Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes Ciências e Humanidades, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.




Water polo, Oppression, Violence, Women


Misogyny and the oppression originated in the structure of the society and is, therefore, intrinsically structural. Structural misogyny permeates in many spheres of social and political organization, including the sports environment. In this essay, I have aimed to bring some aspect of the genesis of misogyny and violence against women to light estabilish relationships with some facts personal experiences within Brazilian water polo. The everyday life of the athletes of this modality reveals a toxic and opressive environment which reproduces the violence against girls and women. The lack participation of women in the spheres of decision making an agravant factor. It is necessary to recognize the presence of systemic misogyny in sports, and consider actions to combat this oppressive practice.


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How to Cite

Schultz, M. . (2021). Misogyny: the toxin that degrades the sporty environment. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 35(Especial), 71-76. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-4690.v35inespp71-76