Lock-in management in technology solutions: each choice a resignation





Technology, Supplier, Multi-criteria, Lock-in


This text describes a technology management case to be used as teaching material in postgraduate courses in administration and related areas. The manuscript design followed the appropriate methodology for case studies. The central characters in the case are João, technology manager at Tradição Ltda., an accounting firm, and Afonso, representative of a technology solution used by Tradição Ltda. The case addressed a difficult moment in the relationship between the customer and the technology provider when the customer became dependent on the technology solution, and the licensing costs began to rise: deciding whether to keep the solution or to substitute for another one. The text details the solution of a traditional company to remain competitive with new technologies and the decision regarding the implementation of a transformation plan first phase. The data presented aims to clarify the scenario related to costs and the scenario related to the qualitative aspects of the technology market. It is noteworthy that the established scenario lacks a multi-criteria analysis for decision making.


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Teaching Cases and Other Contributions

How to Cite

Queiroz, F. W. B. de, Faccin, K., & Francisco, R. (2023). Lock-in management in technology solutions: each choice a resignation. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 17, e197809. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-6486.rco.2023.197809