Influence of green customer demand and eco-control on eco-innovation and on the sustainable growth of beef sector companies




Green customer demand, Eco-control, Eco-innovation, Sustainable growth, Beef


The research examines the influence of green customer demand and eco-control on eco-innovation and on the sustainable growth of companies in the beef sector. To achieve the goal, we applied a questionnaire to managers of 95 companies of that sector in Brazil. Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that eco-control affects positively and significantly eco-innovation and sustainable growth, and green customer demand and eco-innovation influence the sustainable growth of beef companies. We also show that eco-innovation plays an essential role in the relationship between eco-control and sustainable growth. In addition, not only do eco-controls improve sustainable growth, but eco-innovation can bring important complementary results to environmental management. This study advances the literature by showing that eco controls help in the adoption of environmental innovations, and lead to sustainable growth.


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How to Cite

Bortoluzzi, D. A., Lunkes, R. J., & Zambra , E. M. (2023). Influence of green customer demand and eco-control on eco-innovation and on the sustainable growth of beef sector companies. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 17, e210290.