Internal Communication in the Public Management: The Case of a Brazilian Federal Public Authority


  • Priscila Reinaldo Marson
  • Verônica Feder Mayer
  • Heloisa Guimarães Peixoto Nogueira



Internal Communication, Organizational Culture, Public Administration


The intention of this article is to present a case study on the adoption and use of new channels of internal communication in a federal public autarchy. The study was conducted at the National Institute of Social Security, in São Paulo, between July 2008 and July 2009, and aimed to monitor the period in which a new internal communication plan was developed and implemented in its initial phase. The research methodology used was the case study, consisting of documentary analysis, field research and in-depth interviews conducted with the institution’s public employees. As a result, it was possible to observe the internal resistance and the difficulties encountered in the management of the new plan. Among its conclusions, the study highlights the need for a previous study on the conditions of relationships and practices developed in a public service unit at the adoption of new communication tools. It also highlights the importance of planning and management actions in the implementation of the intended communication actions, including internal marketing efforts to sensitize users about the meaning and importance of internal communication in promoting greater agility and efficiency in the workplace, in order to offer best public services to users.


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Author Biographies

  • Priscila Reinaldo Marson
    Mestre em Sistemas de Gestão pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) – Niterói-RJ, Brasil. Analista de Comunicação Social do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS).
  • Verônica Feder Mayer
    Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) – Niterói-RJ, Brasil. Doutora em Administração pela COPPEAD/UFRJ, com extensão na UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA).
  • Heloisa Guimarães Peixoto Nogueira
    Professora Adjunta do Curso de Ciências Administrativas e Contábeis da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) – Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil. Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração – Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Estratégia e Mestrado em Memória Social e Documento na UNIRIO. Doutora em Letras pela PUC-RIO.



Administração Pública

How to Cite

Internal Communication in the Public Management: The Case of a Brazilian Federal Public Authority. (2013). REGE Revista De Gestão, 20(1), 43-60.