Brazilian foreign policy since redemocratization: evolution, changes and future perspectives


  • Eiiti Sato Universidade de Brasília. Instituto de Relações Internacionais



Brazilian foreign policy, Re-democratization in Brazil, Multilateralism, Regionalism


The purpose of this essay is to present some remarks which seem relevant to capture some current perspectives to Brazil in the world scene. The essay starts with a brief account of the Brazilian foreign policy along the period since the militaries have left power in Brazil. The account reveals that the successive presidents elected democratically since 1989 have developed foreign policy trying to match domestic demands and international trends. Nevertheless figures show that in general terms the achievements were rather poor due to the fact that there was not enough dynamism in the domestic business environment which combined with a short sighted view on world affairs. The essay concludes that unfortunately an overall balance shows that Brazil has remained stagnated in political and economic terms along the last quarter in both global and regional levels. The essay pays tribute to Amado Luiz Cervo who is an outstanding professor of Brazilian foreign policy at the University of Brasilia who is now completing four scores of a very productive and inspiring life.


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Author Biography

  • Eiiti Sato, Universidade de Brasília. Instituto de Relações Internacionais

    Eiiti Sato is a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the University of Brasília (IREL / UnB). He was Director of IREL / UnB from 2006 to 2014. He was Head of International Advisory at UnB (2014-2016). He was the first President of the Brazilian Association of International Relations - ABRI (2005-2007). He has regularly taught courses on International Political Economy and International Politics, Theory and History.


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How to Cite

Brazilian foreign policy since redemocratization: evolution, changes and future perspectives. (2020). Intelligere, 10, 70-90.