Hayden White and the limits for a Holocaust’ writing


  • Fernando Garcia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Hayden White, Modernist Event, Practical Past


Hayden White was a prolific and polemical controverse author, collection polemicals along his wide carrier. One of these polemicals is due respect to the possibilities of narrativizing Holocaust as history once his known theory reveals the relativism inherent in all historical interpretation. According to White, the data and events would be pre-figured in multiple tropes. Thus the question was and is pertinent – how to narrate Holocaust, an event with such an extreme moral value and weight? Considering those questions, this paper analyze White’s later works in wich he deals directly with de possibilities of Holocaust representation. According to traditional procedures of narrativazation it would be unrepresetable, but modernist literature could succeed in that task. How this is possible and how Whits’s answer fits in his late works about the practiacal past will be the aim of this paper.


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How to Cite

Hayden White and the limits for a Holocaust’ writing. (2022). Intelligere, 13, 150-180. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9020.intelligere.2022.197501