Günther Anders arrives in Brazil to prevent the end of the world


  • Ricardo Mateus Thomaz de Aquino Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto




Günther Anders, History, Monstruosity, Promethean Discrepancy, Technology


This review presents and discusses the Brazilian publication of Wir Eichmannsöhne: offener Brief na Klaus Eichmann (2001), a work that brings together the letters of the German philosopher Günther Anders addressed to Klaus Eichmann – son of the Nazi executioner Adolf Eichmann – in the 60s and 80s. Translated directly from the German edition by Felipe Catalani, Nós, filhos de Eichmann, has been published by Editora Elefante (March 2023). The book interrupts a hiatus of at least 16 years since Anders’ last volume was published in the country: the reissue of Kafka: pro & contra, by Editora Cosac Naify, in 2007 – the original dates from 1969 by Editora Perspectiva. The following review emphasizes the main categories mobilized by Anders throughout his work, in particular promethean discrepancy and monstrosity. We discuss his literary style and philosophical rigor. We highlight the critical tone of his political and moral reflections on modern society. We emphasize the link between his thought and an intellectual tradition known as philosophical anthropology. We look at the relationship between responsibility and historical consciousness. Finally, we express our desire for the continuation of translations of Günther Anders in Brazil, especially his monumental Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen (The Obsolescence of Man).


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How to Cite

Günther Anders arrives in Brazil to prevent the end of the world. (2023). Intelligere, 16, 167-185. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9020.intelligere.2023.214790