A Imagem imoral: aporia do modelo entre flagrante delito e livre consentimento


  • Samuel de Jesus Universidade de São Paulo



Palabras clave:

Model, Image, Body, Morality, Aporia, Photography


This article analyses the photographic image and the role of the model in relation to its moral, and more precisely immoral, dimension. It raises the following questions: is morality a symptom that precludes any artistic, critical or transgressive attitude? Is it possible to consider the immoral stance of a photographic work when its inherent form is singularly aporetic? To what degree can morality pose a threat to a picture whose non-normative object of representation derives from a non-monstrance: subtly obscene, poetically subversive? Through a series of case-studies, it will be possible to evaluate how the screening and the staging of the model and his/her body can contain the ambiguity of the role and of the status of the model within the photographic and cinematographic practice.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Samuel de Jesus, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutor em Cinema e Audiovisual pela Universidade Paris III e UFRJ. Desenvolve atualmente pesquisa de pós-doutorado na ECA-USP, com bolsa da FAPESP.

Mulher branca de casaco amarelo segura um estojo marrom. O fundo é uma avenida desfocada.


2012-11-02 — Actualizado el 2012-11-02