Historical Shuttle





Ancestral memory, Decolonization, Re-Anthropophagy


The invention of the Brazilian tradition has at its root the erasure of ancestral memories of this also invented territory. What we are today is a collection of cuts and refinements over the years, in which only what served as a ladder to progress had been taken advantage of. As for those who did not behave in the colonizing pot, they were thrown to the sidelines to perish, without lights or eyes to notice them. Oblivion was the penalty to be served for not fitting into the amendments of the “Country of the Future”. Today, like the return of the tide that takes many by surprise, bodies that had been forgotten return and drown the history of Brazil. A request for light over the ruins. Hoarse voices from so much shouting outside today storm the big table, this time not after crumbs that fall from the fat hands of those who have been smearing themselves for centuries, but behind the  high of the European pig brought by Christopher Columbus, or the European himself, if that’s the case. To rewrite history is to scrape scum and barnacles clinging to the colonizing imagination and, from there, superimpose layers of annatto, clay, genipap, charcoal, crajiru and memories of those who became aliens of progress.


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Author Biography

  • Denilson Baniwa, Sem registro de afiliação

    Às vezes, o desafio não é ocupar posições. Por exemplo, quando as que existem não servem, é necessário criar algo novo. Denilson Baniwa (DENILSON MONTEIRO BANIWA) é um artista indígena. É indígena e é artista. E seu ser indígena lhe leva a inventar um outro jeito de fazer arte, em que processos de imaginar e fazer são por força intervenções em uma dinâmica histórica (a história da colonização dos territórios indígenas que hoje conhecemos como Brasil) e interpelações àqueles que o encontram para que abracem as suas responsabilidades.


QUEIROZ, Elisa Vieira; ALMEIDA, Débora Caroline Viana. Entre vistas, mundos e rios: arte e tecnologia digital na pussanga de Denilson Baniwa. Palíndromo (Florianópolis), v. 13, n. 29, 2021, p. 250-267. http://dx.doi.org/10.5965/2175234613292021250. Disponível em: https://periodicos.udesc.br/index.php/palindromo/article/view/19247. Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022.






How to Cite

Baniwa, D. (2022). Historical Shuttle. Revista Do Instituto De Estudos Brasileiros, 1(82), 237-248. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v1i82p237-248