Liver abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides: case report


  • Análida Elizabeth PINILLA Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Internal Medicine Department
  • Myriam Consuelo LÓPEZ Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Instituto de Salud en el Trópico; Public and Tropical Health Department
  • Orlando RICAURTE Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Pathology Department
  • Blanca CASTILLO Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Internal Medicine Department
  • Martha Isabel MURCIA Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Microbiology Department
  • Rubén Santiago NICHOLLS Instituto Nacional de Salud
  • Sofía DUQUE Instituto Nacional de Salud
  • Luis Carlos OROZCO Universidad Industrial de Santander


Liver abscess, Ascaris, Amebiasis, Diagnosis, Colombia


A case is reported of a woman who lived in a rural area with a chronic illness that consisted of weight loss and abdominal pain in the epigastrium and upper right quadrant. The initial diagnosis was a mass in the liver, which was later, demonstrated, both by direct and histological examination, to be an abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and abundant Charcot-Leyden Crystals were found.


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Case Report

How to Cite

PINILLA, A. E., LÓPEZ, M. C., RICAURTE, O., CASTILLO, B., MURCIA, M. I., NICHOLLS, R. S., DUQUE, S., & OROZCO, L. C. (2001). Liver abscess caused by Ascaris lumbricoides: case report . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 43(6), 343-346.