Vegetant ulcer of the leg by Candida albicans


  • Luis Carlos Cucé USP; FM; HC; Divisão de Clínica Dermatológica
  • Walter Belda Júnior USP; FM; HC; Divisão de Clínica Dermatológica
  • Alberto Salebian USP; FM; HC; Departamento de Medicina Tropical e Dermatologia


A case of ulcerative and vegetative cutaneous candidiasis as a single lesion, localized on the inferior third of right leg is presented. This type of manifestation determined by C. albicans is unnunsual. This agent was isolated and idenitfied "in vivo" and "in vitro", and the anti-C. albicans antibody title was determined and identified "in vivo" and "in vitro", and dose of the Ketoconazole treatment in the first month which was reduced to 200mg daily dose in the second month. The lesion cured completely without its posterior relapse. The anti-C. albicans antibody became negative.


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Case Reports

How to Cite

Cucé, L. C., Belda Júnior, W., & Salebian, A. (1986). Vegetant ulcer of the leg by Candida albicans . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 28(5), 364-367.