Bipolar affective disorder and medication therapy: identifying barriers


  • Adriana Inocenti Miasso University of Sao Paulo; Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing
  • Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani University of Sao Paulo; Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing
  • Luiz Jorge Pedrão University of Sao Paulo; Ribeirao Preto College of Nursing



bipolar disorder, self medication, interpersonal relations


This study identified the barriers faced by people with bipolar affective disorder (BAD) regarding the need for continuous medication. The qualitative approach was used, and the methodological framework was based on the Grounded Theory in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. In total, of 14 people with BAD, who were being attended at the Outpatient Unit for Mood Disorders of a university hospital, and 14 relatives indicated by them participated in the study. The data collection was carried out through interviews and observation. Two categories emerged from the results, describing the barriers faced by people with BAD: to have affective and cognitive losses and to have several limitations. People with BAD feel ambivalent regarding medication adherence, as they perceive that, no matter the direction they take, it will lead to a context of prejudice, losses and limitations in various spheres of daily life.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Bipolar affective disorder and medication therapy: identifying barriers. (2008). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 16(4), 739-745.