Factors influencing Brazilian sugar and ethanol refineries’ failure


  • Susan Yuko Higashi Campus of Chapadão do Sul, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande
  • Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman Management and Business School, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande
  • Louise Manning Faculty of Science, University of Lincoln, Lincoln
  • Luis Kluwe De Aguiar Department of Food, Land and Agribusiness Management, Harper Adams University, Newport
  • Guilherme Fowler A. Monteiro Insper – Institute of Education and Research,




Organisational failure, Judicial recovery, Failure factors


Purpose: This study aims to examine the dimensions of organisational failure in the Brazilian sugarcane and ethanol refineries, as reported in judicial recovery plans.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper follows a qualitative, inductive approach that uses content analysis to examine the details of recovery plans. Besides, a cause-and-effect relationship diagram is proposed, making it possible to identify the interconnections between the identified variables.

Findings: There is evidence that organisational failures are not a linear outcome. Organisational failures are complex and occur because of several factors, often interdependent and operating at different levels.

Research implications: Organisational failures basically have three interrelated levels: the macro-level (external environment); the meso-level (organisational environment); and the micro-level (associated with the decision-maker). The relationship between these levels is not trivial and involves coordinated research efforts.

Practical implications: Organisations must consider all types of failure levels when developing business reorganisation plans. Reorganisation plans are more than a formal document to achieve judicial recovery, as they should incorporate strategic factors.

Social implications: Failures are a regularity in organisations’ day-to-day. Understanding failure’s sources is vital to design firms’ strategies and public policies.

Originality/value: The study of organisational failure involves the analysis of complex and multidimensional phenomena. Judicial recovery plans are the means for companies to get a second chance. To that end, this article addresses the sources of organisational failures through the lens of judicial plans.


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