The Judiciary Mental Hospital: a question of health or of law?


  • Evelin Naked de Castro Sá Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Departamento de Prática



Organization and administration, Public administration, Hospitals, psychiatric, Health manpower


As the Manicômio Judiciário (a Judiciary Mental Health Hospital) is a hospital-prison it could be subordinated either to the State Health Department or to the Department of Justice. In order to reach a sound decision regarding this issue, structural and human resource comparisons as between the Manicômio Judiciário on one side and the Araraquara Prison on the other are provided. Comparisons between the status of the human resources of the Manicômio Judiciário in 1981 and 1984 and between the wages earned by workers exercising similar functions and belonging to similar institutions are also presented. The conclusion points to the Department of Justice as the most adequate institution to which the Manicômio Judiciário should be subordinated, provided some up-to-date managerial measures are taken. A personnel chart is suggested, showing percentages of people organized according to subgroups of functions. The proposals regarding personnel must be dealt with by, supplementary laws which guarantee, adequate provision for the excepcional working conditions prevailing in the Manicômio Judiciário according to position of the staff in the hierarchy.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Sá, E. N. de C. (1985). The Judiciary Mental Hospital: a question of health or of law? . Revista De Saúde Pública, 19(5), 389-400.