Resource distribution for the Basic Care Plan with equity approach, Bogotá 2002


  • Juan Fernado Ospina Giraldo Universidad de Antioquia; Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Doracelly Hincapié Palacio Universidad de Antioquia; Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Libia Esperanza Forero García Secretaría Distrital de Salud



Resource allocation, Health care rationing, Basic health services, Financing, health, organized, Health status indicators, Financial equity


OBJECTIVE: To apply a technique that will guide financial resources distribution for the Basic Care Plan for carrying out collective actions according to different health conditions. METHODS: A prior estimation of a global health index was performed by means of the analysis of major components prioritizing areas of Bogotá according to their health condition: "poor", "intermediate," and "good". A square minimum technique was applied to minimize difference between observed and expected global health index after resource investment. RESULTS: Resource distribution for the Basic Care Plan was achieved for twenty areas of Bogotá and a higher amount than the district median was allocated in areas with "poor" health conditions. Also, areas lacking universal health coverage were identified using the per capita resource allocation. CONCLUSIONS: This technique puts in evidence the disparity in health conditions between areas of "poor" health condition and those with "good" condition, in spite of the increased coverage of the Basic Plan of Attention, indicating the need of intersectorial social investment in these areas.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Giraldo, J. F. O., Hincapié Palacio, D., & Forero García, L. E. (2003). Resource distribution for the Basic Care Plan with equity approach, Bogotá 2002 . Revista De Saúde Pública, 37(5), 643-650.