O impacto do aborto ilegal na saúde reprodutiva: sugestões para melhorar a qualidade do dado básico e viabilizar essa análise


  • Rebeca de Souza e Silva Universidade Federal de São Paulo




induced abortion, reprodutive health, simplified sampling


Trusworthy statistics on provoked abortion form countries where this practice is generalized allow for an adequate evaluation of the impact of abortion on Reprodutive Health. Paradoxically it is in these very countries that the less severe damage to Reproductive Health are observed. At the same time, even based on little or totally not trustworthy data the cost of clandestine practice is very high: its sequels are frequent and often lead to death. Evaluating how high these costs are, however, is a rather hard task that depending on the desired focus may even not be feasible. The best solution for such dilemma would be, according to the literature, the legalization of abortion. In this case the analysis of the duet Abortion/Health besides automatically reducing the costs on the clandestine practice would allow for the removal of the remaining costs. Nevertheless, while one has to live under a restrictive legislation the most sensible solution is optimizing the quality of analysis of that duet. One can in this sense adopt a statistical technique that removes the biggest obstacle to the determination of the dynamics of illegal abortion i.e. the under register/and/or under register of abortion frequency the RRT. One can also design population studies from a simplified sampling plan for they are very rare in comparison to hospital based analysis.


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Original research articles

How to Cite

Silva, R. de S. e. (1997). O impacto do aborto ilegal na saúde reprodutiva: sugestões para melhorar a qualidade do dado básico e viabilizar essa análise . Saúde E Sociedade, 6(1), 53-75. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12901997000100005