French school of direct sound: Jean-Pierre Ruh and Éric Rohmer


  • Sérgio Puccini Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



Sound, Direct sound, Jean-Pierre Ruh, Éric Rohmer


The article focuses on one of the most prominent representatives of the French direct sound school, the technician Jean-Pierre Ruh, from his work with the filmmaker Éric Rohmer in the films Ma nuit chez Maud (My night at Maud’s, 1969), Le genou de Claire (Claire’s knee, 1970) and L’amour l’après-midi (Chloe in the afternoon, 1972). Based on testimonies by Jean-Pierre Ruh himself, we intend to focus on key issues for the direct sound school, especially with regard to the exploration of the off-screen sounds, sound imperfections, and the ordinary sounds, understood within a conception that values a truth and a singularity of the sound in the film. We observed that each movie has its own particularity and its unique sound, and all of them explore the voices projected into the space, open or closed, which adds a perspective and depth information.


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Author Biography

  • Sérgio Puccini, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

    Professor adjunto do Bacharelado em Cinema e Audiovisual, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens do Instituto de Artes e Design da UFJF e do International Master in Cinema Studies – IMACS/PPGACL. Graduado em Artes Plásticas pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, é mestre e doutor em Multimeios pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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Referências filmográficas

SIX contes moraux I: La boulangère de Monceau (A Padeira do bairro). Éric Rohmer, França, 1962.

SIX contes moraux II: La carrière de Suzanne (A Carreira de Suzanne). Éric Rohmer, França, 1963.

SIX contes moraux , III: Ma nuit chez Maud (Minha noite com ela). Éric Rohmer, França, 1969.

SIX contes moraux, IV: La collectionneuse (A colecionadora). Éric Rohmer, França, 1967.

SIX contes moraux, V: Le genou de Claire (O joelho de Claire). Éric Rohmer, França, 1970.

SIX contes moraux, VI: L’amour l’après-midi (Um amor à tarde). Éric Rohmer, França, 1972.

Referências audiovisuais

ENTRETIEN avec Jean-Pierre Ruh. Paris: CNRS Images, 2012. 4 mini DV (4h): 4/3, cor (PAL).

SON et cinema: le son direct. Paris: France Culture, Radio France, 1988.



How to Cite

French school of direct sound: Jean-Pierre Ruh and Éric Rohmer. (2022). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 49(57), 259-279.