Two by Two, four:temporality, performance,and film essay inThe dreamed ones film


  • Eduardo Ferraz Felippe UERJ



Letters exchange, Trauma, Presence, Performance, Temporality, Essay film


In this article, I aim to analyze the film essay Die Geträumten (The dreamed ones, 2016), by Ruth Beckermann, and the letter exchange between Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachman, Heart’s time. First of all, I present some questions on the letter exchange between Celan and Bachmann, then I associate the characteristic of the film essay with the theme of performance and time. Finally, I will develop the issue of temporality, associating it to the discussion of the main characters in the plot as a choice to escape the theoretical references of trauma for Literature, Cinema, and History.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Ferraz Felippe, UERJ

    Professor da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).


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Referências audiovisuais

DIE Geträumten (Os Sonhados). Ruth Beckermann, Áustria, 2016.

LIGHTNING over water (Um Filme para Nick). Wim Wenders, Suécia, 1980

SHOAH. Claude Lanzmann, França, 1985.






How to Cite

Two by Two, four:temporality, performance,and film essay inThe dreamed ones film. (2024). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 50, 1-19.