Radio evolution and the impact on/of audiences


  • Marko Ala-Fossi Universidade de Tampere



Radio, broadcasting, evolution, audience, media.


The evolution of radio is highly dependent not only on the national cultural contexts but also on the overall social, political and economic development of the societies. In addition, it happens in interplay with all the other forms of media and this is why there is no universal or separate evolution of radio. The growing importance of the internet and increasing popularity of mobile broadband together with the ongoing economic and demographic changes on a global scale continue to have a polarized effect: in the Western world, broadcast radio may have already had its all-time high, while in Asia and Africa, broadcast radio has still a huge potential for growth. 


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Author Biography

  • Marko Ala-Fossi, Universidade de Tampere
    Doutor em ciências sociais e professor de rádio e professor adjunto de jornalismo e comunicação de massa na Universidade de Tampere, Finlândia. É também membro da equipe pan-europeia de pesquisa em rádio digital (Drace).



How to Cite

Radio evolution and the impact on/of audiences. (2013). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 40(39), 88-112.