Meursault's sun: The intersemiotic translation of the sun sign from The Stranger, by Albert Camus, for cinema and comics




Translation and Adaptation Studies, Intersemiotic Translation for Comics, The Stranger by Albert Camus, Luchino Visconti’s Film, Comics by Jacques Ferrandez


The novel The Stranger (also titled The Outsider), published by Albert Camus in 1942, was adapted for cinema only once by Italian filmmaker Luchino Visconti, in 1967. In 2013, the Algerian artist Jacques Ferrandez adapted Camus' text for comics. In the three works, the figure of the sun prevails as a central element and catalyst for the protagonist's actions and feelings. This article proposes to analyze the intersemiotic translation carried out in the works of Visconti and Ferrandez for the sun sign and its indices — heat, sweat, light — from Camus’ novel and the way in which such elements are configured as signs of the character's malaise in his trajectory of confusion and existential doubt.


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How to Cite

Santana, J. (2023). Meursault’s sun: The intersemiotic translation of the sun sign from The Stranger, by Albert Camus, for cinema and comics. TradTerm, 44, 21-50.