Nations and nationalisms (theory, history and morality)


  • Diogo Ramada Curto Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. Departamento de História
  • Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto de Ciências Sociais
  • Nuno Domingos Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto de Ciências Sociais



Nation and nationalism, national identity, Imagined communities, Comparative method, Anticolonialism


The article examines Benedict Anderson's contribution to studies of the nation and nationalism in the social and human sciences, taking as its pretext the reissue in Portuguese of his most well-known work, Imagined Communities. The text begins with a brief genealogical survey of studies of the nation and nationalism, which seeks to emphasize and question the relative disinterest that classical social theories devote to the idea of the nation and its specific forms of political, economic and sociocultural incorporation. Next it turns to the author's intellectual and civic career, contextualizing his interests and his analytic propositions, specifically in terms of the imagination of national identities and communities and their organization into nationalist movements, but also the notions of power and the virtualities and limits of the comparative method, and the role of ideas and cultural phenomena. Finally the text concludes with a critical and reflective exploration of the notions of imagination and community in Anderson's work, connecting their meanings, uses and appropriations with the historical, academic and political contexts of his intellectual career.


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Sociology and History Dossier

How to Cite

Curto, D. R., Jerónimo, M. B., & Domingos, N. (2012). Nations and nationalisms (theory, history and morality) . Tempo Social, 24(2), 33-58.