A Transdisciplinary Approach: The Picture of Dorian Gray from the Viewpoint of Physics


  • José A.O. Huguenin
  • Gisele G Wolkoff




As we wander around universal literature and some central ideas in Physics, we present a transdisciplinary reading of the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, and Quantum Mechanics, thus, pointing out to the importance of inter and transdisciplinary looks into contemporary studies in diverse areas of knowledge.

Author Biographies

  • José A.O. Huguenin

    José Augusto Oliveira Huguenin is associate professor at the Federal Fluminense University. He holds a PhD in Physics and researches on quantum optics, quantum information and the teaching of Physics. Author of “Estranhezas e mitos da Mecânica Quântica”, he is also a poet and fiction writer having published “Vintém”, “Experimentos poéticos”, as well as “A parede e outros contos” and “De manga a jiló provei”(short-stories). A member of the Volta-Redondense Academy of Letters, he currently coordinates both its Editorial Team and a research project that looks into
    literature as basis for the teaching of Physics at UFF.

  • Gisele G Wolkoff

    Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff teaches at the Federal Fluminense University and coordinates projects on the translation of contemporary Poetry (Brazilian, Portuguese and Irish
    poetry). Author, translator and coorganizer of volumes on contemporary poetry and cinema, she is visiting scholar at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan.







How to Cite

Huguenin, J. A., & Wolkoff, G. G. (2017). A Transdisciplinary Approach: The Picture of Dorian Gray from the Viewpoint of Physics. ABEI Journal, 19, 81-91. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v19i1.3503