At the Threshold of the New Drama with Bernard Shaw and Granville Barker


  • Gloria Sydenstricker Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Bernard Shaw, Granville Barker, Drama


At the turn-of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, London’s theatrical tradition had for decades an intimate connection with musical comedies, opera, operettas, and general types of light performances. Affected romances were also very successful as the public at that time was not used to intellectual drama. So, it was natural that a preference remained still for the sentimental comedies.


Archer, W. Play-making: a manual of craftsmanship. Boston: Small, Maynard and Company, 1912.

Barker, H.G. On Poetry in Drama. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1937.

---. The Exemplary Theatre. London: Chatto and Windus, 1922.

Beerbohm, M. A Revival of Prunella. The Madras House; The Voysey Inheritance. In: Around theatres. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1969.

Dukes A. Harley Granville Barker. In: The Youngest Drama. Chicago: Charles H. Sergel & Company, 1924.

Gassner, J. Shaw’s Fellow Travelers. In: Masters of the Drama. U.S.A: Dover Publications, Inc. 1954.

Howe, P.P. Dramatic Portraits. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1913.

Hudson, L. The English State 1850-1950. London: George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1951.

MacCarthy, D. The Court Theatre 1904-1907. A Commentary and Criticism. London: H. Bullen, 1907.

Metsel, M. Shaw and the Nineteenth-Century Theatre. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1963.

Salmon, E. A secret life. Rutherford, Madison, Teaneck, Fairleigh Dickinson. University Press, 1984.

---. (ed. and annotated). Granville Barker and his Correspondents. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1986.

Shaw, W., B. Major Barbara. New York: Penguin Books, 1942.

Swinnerton, F. H. Granville-Barker: A National Theatre. In: The Georgian Scene. On Murray Hill. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1934.

West, E.J. Shaw on Theatre. New York: Hill and Wang, 1961.




Sydenstricker, G. (1999). At the Threshold of the New Drama with Bernard Shaw and Granville Barker. ABEI Journal, 1(1), 79-83.